We are a national community of diverse startup founders. Join us!

What We Do

We are here to help founders on their startup journey, with community, events and advice. If you are just starting out, or have been on your journey for a while, we are here to help. Check out what we have coming up.

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Some words from our community members

“I wouldn't be where I am as a founder without the support of The Startup Network and the community of founders they proudly nurture.”

— Riz Akhtar, Founder at Carloop

“There’s always someone in this very generous community willing to share their learnings. It reminds me that we're not alone.”

— Melissa Rosenthal, Co-Founder at Soundlii

Our Industry Partners

The Startup Network has got big ambitions for the startup community, but we can’t do it on our own. We partner with the very best operators in the ecosystem to bring our members top quality education, events, resources, discounts and support.

If you would like to join the industry partner network, please get in touch with us.

Our Community Partners

It takes a village to build a startup and our Community Partners are a vital part of that village, providing incredible support to our community across a number of verticals.

Our Program Partners

We are so proud to partner with some of the industry’s best to deliver amazing early stage founder programs.

Our aim is to ensure every founder we serve becomes an integral part of a like-minded community, whilst providing them with access to world-class events, education & content.

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