How to begin

So you’ve got an idea, it’s a GOOD idea, but you just don’t know what to do next! You ask friends, but they don’t know, you google “how to start a business” but it’s very vague and you want a simple solution.

What we know, after talking to many founders and entrepreneurs is that the best way to launch is simply to do the least amount of work, and spend the least amount of money you can.

Let me be clear, how you launch your business has no baring on where you will end up. Even unicorn businesses start with a very simple offer to begin with and add to it over time.

Canva famously went from zero to 10 million users with NO MARKETING BUDGET!

Melanie Perkins the founder of Canva, said that the most important lesson was identifying that their main target customer had a time vs volume problem. What customer segment needed to create the most content in the shortest amount of time.

Of course the answer here was Social Media Marketers, by targeting this market they were able to expand exponentially by word of mouth alone.

Solve a problem no one else is solving and do it well. That’s it! That’s all you need to know.

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